Letter of Rec Info

Home AP Physics C AP Physics 1 Letter of Rec Info E-Mail Appel

If you would like Appel to write a recommendation letter:
  1. Ask in person
  2. Complete the form below and return it to Appel by the dates indicated
  3. Your letters will be mailed to the colleges.  This means you will need a paper copy of the college's recommendation form (or Common App form) along with stamped and addressed envelopes


I will not write a recommendation letter for Brandeis University.

Appel's Rec Letter Form


Earliest Due Date Appel's form, college recommendation form and envelopes must be received on or before this date
November 1 October 10
November 15 October 20
January 1 December 1
Any other date One month before due date

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This site was last updated 03/21/24