Physics by Appel 2024-2025

Home AP Physics C AP Physics 1 Letter of Rec Info E-Mail Appel

AP Physics C   AP Physics 1
Current Unit:  Unit 1: Kinematics
AP-C Plan For This Week (September 23 - September 27):


This Week's Reading:  Section 2.9

Unit 1 Calendar - AP-C


Graphing Techniques and Analysis
Sample Questions

Graphing Standards

Good Graphs vs. Bad Graphs

Day o' Calculus
If you have already completed a class in calculus, please bring something to quietly work on

I Will Derive Video

Day o' Calculus Handout

Galileo Lab (Due Monday, 10/7)

More Linear Motion Goodness (Solutions)


AP-C Homework and Upcoming Tests:
Scroll to the bottom of this column for recent assignments
Sept. 23 Assignment 1-7 (Solutions)
Sept. 26 Assignment 1-8 (Solutions)
Sept. 30 Assignment 1-10 (Solutions)
Oct. 1 Assignment 1-11 (Solutions)
Oct. 3 Assignment 1-12 (Solutions)
Oct. 4 Assignment 1-13 (Solutions)
Oct. 7 Galileo Lab Report and
Graphing and Calculus Quiz
Oct. 8 Assignment 1-14 (Solutions)
Oct. 10 Assignment 1-15 (Solutions)
Oct. 14 Assignment 1-16 (Solutions)
Oct. 15 Assignment 1-17 (Solutions)
Oct. 18 Assignment 1-18 (Solutions) and
Projectile Challenge Score Sheet
Oct. 21 Test #1
Oct. 24 Assignment 2-1 (Solutions)
Oct. 25 Assignment 2-2 (Solutions)
Oct. 28 Assignment 2-3 (Solutions)
Oct. 29 Assignment 2-4 (Solutions)
Nov. 4 Assignment 2-6 (Solutions)
Nov. 5 Pre-lab for Whirling Good Time and
Checked Off on Lab
Nov. 7 Assignment 2-7 (Solutions)
Nov. 8 Assignment 2-8 (Solutions) and
Force Your Way Through Lab Quiz
Nov. 12 Assignment 2-9 (Solutions)
Nov. 14 Assignment 2-10 (Solutions)
Nov. 15 Assignment 2-11 (Solutions) and
Key Mass'ter Lab Quiz
Nov. 18 Test #2
Nov. 21 Spring Mini-Lab (Done in Class)
Nov. 22 Assignment 3-1 (Solutions)
Nov. 25 Assignment 3-2 (Solutions)
Nov. 26 Assignment 3-3 (Solutions)
Dec. 2 Assignment 3-4 (Solutions)
Dec. 3 Assignment 3-5 (Solutions)
Dec. 5 Assignment 3-6 (Solutions) and
What's the k? Lab (Done in Class)
Dec. 9 Assignment 3-7 (Solutions)
Dec. 10 Assignment 3-8 (Solutions)
Dec. 12 Assignment 3-9 (Solutions)
Dec. 13 Assignment 3-10 (Solutions)
Dec. 16 Assignment 3-11 (Solutions)
Dec. 17 Assignment 3-12 (Solutions)
Dec 19 Test #3
AP-C Weekly Reading:
Sept. 23 Section 2.9
Sept. 30 Sections 3.1 - 3.4, 4.1 - 4.3 and Vectors Reading
Oct. 7 Sections 4.4 - 4.5
Oct. 14 Section 4.6
Oct. 22 Sections 5.1 - 5.6
Oct. 28 Sections 5.7, 5.8, and 6.1
Nov. 4 Sections 6.2 and 6.3
Nov. 12 None This Week
Nov. 19 Sections 7.1 - 7.4
Nov. 25 Sections 7.5 - 7.8, and 8.5
Dec. 2 Sections 8.1 - 8.4
Dec. 9 Section 7.9
Dec. 16 None This Week
AP-C Some Recent Assignments:
Sept. 9 Assignment 1-1 (Solutions)
Sept. 10 Assignment 1-2 (Solutions)
Sept. 13 Assignment 1-3 (Solutions)
Sept. 16 Assignment 1-4 (Solutions)
Sept. 17 Assignment 1-5 (Solutions)
Sept. 19 Uncertainty in Data Lab Tables Due and Lab Quiz
Sept. 20 Assignment 1-6 (Solutions)
Current Unit:  Unit 1: Kinematics
AP-1 Plan For This Week (September 23 - September 27):


This Week's Reading:  Section 2-7 and Freefall Reading

Unit 1 Calendar - AP-1 - Updated


Acceleration on a Ramp Lab Using Graphs (Due Tuesday, 9/24)

Graphing Goodness aka Solving Problems with Graphs (Solutions)

Kinematics Free Response Quiz (Wednesday)

Kinematics Multiple Choice Quiz (Wednesday)

Find the Acceleration of a Falling Object Mini-Lab (Due Friday, 9/27)

Introduce Freefall
Sample Questions

Falling for UAM (Solutions)


Textbook Links:

 Giancoli Textbook

 OpenStax Textbook

AP-1 Homework and Upcoming Tests/Quizzes:
Scroll to the bottom of this column for recent assignments
Sept. 23 Free Response Kinematics 1
Sept. 24 Acceleration on a Ramp Lab Using Graphs
Sept. 25 Kinematics Free Response Quiz and
Kinematics Multiple Choice Quiz
Sept. 27 Acceleration of a Falling Object Mini-Lab
Sept. 30 Free Response Kinematics 2 and
Walk the Graph Lab Quiz and
Graphing Quiz
Oct. 1 Assignment 1-5 (Solutions)
Oct. 2 Horizontally Launched Projectile Goodness (Solutions)
Oct. 7 Free Response Kinematics 3
Oct. 8 Assignment 1-6 (Solutions)
Oct. 14 Free Response Kinematics 4 and
Bull's Eye Lab Quiz
Oct. 15 Assignment 1-7 (Solutions)
Oct. 16 Kinematics Multiple Choice Test
Oct. 18 Kinematics Free Response Test
AP-1 Weekly Reading:
Sept. 23 Section 2-7 and Freefall Reading
Sept. 30 Section 3-1 to 3-5
Oct. 7 Section 3-6 to 3-8
Oct. 14 None This Week
AP-1 Some Recent Assignments:
Sept. 6 Keep Up with the Buggy Lab
Sept. 10 Assignment 1-1 (Solutions)
Sept. 11 Practice with Constant Velocity
(aka Assignment 1-2) (Solutions) and
Acceleration on a Ramp Lab
Sept. 13 Assignment 1-3 (Solutions)
Sept. 16 Kinematics Equations Packet (Solutions)
Sept. 18 Assignment 1-4 (Solutions)

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This site was last updated 09/18/24