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Unit 8 Calendar - AP-1

Homework Packet with Solutions

Properties of Fluids / Density / Bed of Nails Demo (5/20)
Sample Questions
Solutions are in Notes File
Video:  Balloons in Car
Video:  Syfy Transformer Car

Archimedes Principle (5/21)
Sample Questions
Solutions are in Notes File

Pressure and Buoyancy Goodness (Solutions) (5/22 - 5/24)

Pascal's Principle and Measuring Pressure (5/28)
Sample Questions
Solutions are in the Notes File

Pascal's Principle and Measuring Pressure Goodness (Solutions) (5/29)

Fluids in Motion / Flow Rate and Bernoulli's Equation (5/31)
Sample Questions
Solutions are in the Notes File







May 20 Sections 10.1 - 10.4, 10.7
May 28 Sections 10.5 - 10.6, 10.8 - 10.9 and
Fluids Reading




This site was last updated 05/30/24