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Unit 1 Calendar - AP-1 - Updated

Unit 1 Calendar - AP-1 - Original

Freefall Reading

Assignment 1-1 (Solutions) (Due 9/10)

Assignment 1-3 (Solutions) (Due 9/13)

Assignment 1-4 (Solutions) (Due 9/18)

Free Response Kinematics 1 (Due 9/23)

Free Response Kinematics 2 (Due 9/30)

Keep Up with the Buggy Lab (9/4; Due 9/6)

Significant Figures Info Sheet (9/6)

Introduce Scalars/Vectors, Displacement and Velocity (9/9)
Sample Questions

Practice with Constant Velocity (Solutions) (9/10; Due 9/11)

Introduce Acceleration (9/11)
Sample Questions

Acceleration on a Ramp Lab (9/11; Due 9/11)

Kinematics Equations Packet (Solutions) (9/13; Due 9/16)

Take the Big Five for a Drive (Solutions) (9/16)

Motion Represented by Graphs.  x vs t, v vs t, a vs t.  Slope and Area (9/17)
Sample Questions

How to Create a Graph (9/18)

Good Graphs vs Bad Graphs (9/18)

Creating and Analyzing Graphs (Solutions) (9/18)

Converting Graphs (Solutions) (9/18)

Walk the Graph Lab (9/20; Lab Quiz Monday, 9/30)
Basic Shapes
Challenge Shapes

LoggerPro Files (Right click each file and save it to your laptop) (9/20)
Position vs Time Graph
Velocity vs Time Graph
Both Graphs

Acceleration on a Ramp Lab Using Graphs (9/23; Due 9/24)

Graphing Goodness aka Solving Problems with Graphs (Solutions) (9/24)

Introduce Freefall (9/27)
Sample Questions

Falling for UAM (Solutions) (9/27)

Introduction to Horizontally Launched Projectiles (10/25) ***
Sample Question

Horizontal Projectile Goodness (Solutions) (10/25) ***

Pointing Every Which Way (Solutions) (10/27) ***

Extended Projectile Problem (10/27; Due 10/30) ***

Assignment 1-14 (aka Assignment 2-2) (10/27; Due 10/30) ***

Projectiles Launched at Angle (10/30) ***
Sample Questions

Trajectory Goodness (Solutions) (10/31) ***

An Angled Launch Problem (Solutions) (10/31) ***

Bull's Eye Lab (11/1) ***

River Problems Handout (11/3) ***

River Problems Sample Questions (Solutions) ***


*** Not Updated for 2024-2025 School Year


OpenStax (OpenStax Textbook):
Chapter 1: Nature of Science and Physics
          (1.1 to 1.3)
Chapter 2:  Kinematics
          (2.1 to 2.8)
Chapter 3:  Two-Dimensional Kinematics
          (3.1 to 3.5)

Giancoli (Giancoli Textbook):
Chapter 1:  Introduction, Measurement, Estimating
          (1-1 to 1-6)
Chapter 2:  Describing Motion: Kinematics in One Dimension
          (2-1 to 2-8)
Chapter 3:  Kinematics in Two Dimensions; Vectors
          (3-1 to 3-6, 3-8)


Reading Schedule (Using Giancoli):

Sept. 2 Sections 1.1, 1.2, 1.4 - 1.6
Sept. 9 Sections 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.5, 2.8 and Freefall Reading
Sept. 16 Sections 2.3, 2.4, 2.6, 2.7
Sept. 23 Section 2.9
Sept. 30 Sections 3.1 - 3.4, 4.1 - 4.3 and Vectors Reading
Oct. 7 Sections 4.4 - 4.5
Oct. 14 Section 4.6



Dan Fullerton Videos (He's a Physics Teacher):
What is Physics?
Significant Figures
Scientific Notation
Metric System
Vectors and Scalars
Defining Motion
Graphing Motion
Kinematic Equations
Free Fall
Projectile Motion
Horizontal Projectile Problem Practice
Angled Projectile Problem Practice
Relative Motion



This site was last updated 09/18/24