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Unit 1 Calendar - AP-C

Freefall Reading

Vectors Reading

Assignment 1-1 (Solutions) (Due 9/9)

Assignment 1-2 (Solutions) (Due 9/10)

Assignment 1-3 (Solutions) (Due 9/13)

Assignment 1-4 (Solutions) (Due 9/16)

Assignment 1-5 (Solutions) (Due 9/17)

Assignment 1-6 (Solutions) (Due 9/20)

Assignment 1-7 (Solutions) (Due 9/23)

Assignment 1-8 (Solutions) (Due 9/26)

Assignment 1-9 (Solutions) (Due 9/27)

Assignment 1-10 (Solutions) (Due 9/30)

Assignment 1-11 (Solutions) (Due 10/1)

Assignment 1-12 (Solutions) (Due 10/3)

Assignment 1-13 (Solutions) (Due 10/4)

Assignment 1-14 (Solutions) (Due 10/8)

Assignment 1-15 (Solutions)  (Due 10/10)

Assignment 1-16 (Solutions) (Due 10/14)

Assignment 1-17 (Solutions) (Due 10/15)

Assignment 1-18 (Solutions) (Due 10/18)

Welcome to Physics by Appel / Introduction to Measurements and Uncertainty (9/3)

More with Measurements and Uncertainty (9/5)

Some Rules and Regs (9/5)

Sources of Uncertainty / Sig Figs / Accuracy and Precision (9/6)

Dimensional Analysis (9/9)

Introduce Displacement and Velocity (9/10)
Sample Questions

Uncertainty in Data Lab (9/12; Quiz and Tables Due 9/19)
Sources of Uncertainty
Data Tables
Station Instructions

Introduce Acceleration Including Freefall (9/13)
Sample Questions

More Linear Motion and The Big Five Kinematic Equations (9/16)
Sample Questions

Take the Big Five for a Drive (Solutions) (9/17)

Linear Motion Goodness (Solutions) (9/19)

What Does Motion Look Like in Graphs? (9/20)
Sample Question

Graphing Techniques and Analysis (9/23)
Sample Questions

Graphing Standards (9/23)

Good Graphs vs. Bad Graphs (9/23)

Day o' Calculus (9/24)

I Will Derive Video (9/24)

Day o' Calculus Handout (9/24)

Galileo Lab (9/26; Due 10/7)

More Linear Motion Goodness (Solutions) (9/27)

Vector Pre-Test (Solutions) (9/30)

Introduction to Vectors (9/30)

Introduction to 2-D Motion and Horizontally Launched Projectiles (10/1)
Sample Questions

Horizontal Projectile Motion Goodness (Solutions) (10/3)

Projectiles Launched at Angles and Monkey Gun (10/3)
Sample Questions

More Projectile Motion Goodness (Solutions) (10/4)

Small Dose of Projectile Goodness (Solutions) (10/7)

Uniform and Non-Uniform Circular Motion (10/8)
Sample Questions

Roundabout Goodness (Solutions) (10/10)

Relative Motion (10/14)
Sample Questions

Show Me the Goodness!  Two-Dimensional and Relative Motion (Solutions) (10/15)

Appel's Projectile Motion Challenge (10/12; Score Sheet Due 10/16) ***


*** Not Updated for 2024-2025 School Year

Unit Reading (with Recommended Completion Dates):

Sept. 2 Sections 1.1, 1.2, 1.4 - 1.6
Sept. 9 Sections 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.5, 2.8 and Freefall Reading
Sept. 16 Sections 2.3, 2.4, 2.6, 2.7
Sept. 23 Section 2.9
Sept. 30 Sections 3.1 - 3.4, 4.1 - 4.3 and Vectors Reading
Oct. 7 Sections 4.4 - 4.5
Oct. 14 Section 4.6


Twu Physics:

Playlist for All of Twu's Kinematics AP Physics C Videos


Dan Fullerton Videos (He's a Physics Teacher):

Defining Motion

2D Motion

Projectile Motion

Relative Motion

Circular Speed

Centripetal Acceleration


Flipping Physics:

Playlist for All of FP's Kinematics AP Physics C Videos

AP Physics C: Kinematics Review

AP Physics C: Integrals in Kinematics Review


MIT Video Lectures (on YouTube):

Introducing the course at MIT

Lecture 1:  Units, Dimensions and Scaling Arguments

Lecture 2:  Introduction to Kinematics

Lecture 3:  Vectors

Lecture 4:  The Motion of Projectiles

Lecture 5: Uniform Circular Motion

Lecture 9:  Review of Lectures 1 - 5


HippoCampus Videos:

Motion in 1-D

Motion in 2-D


Khan Academy Videos:

Calculating Average Velocity or Speed

Solving for Time

Displacement from Time and Velocity Examples


Two-Dimensional Projectile Motion

Optimal Angle for Projectile

Circular Motion and Centripetal Acceleration




This site was last updated 09/18/24