Newton's Laws

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Unit 2 Calendar - AP-C

Assignment 2-1 (Solutions) (Due 10/24)

Assignment 2-2 (Solutions) (Due 10/25)

Assignment 2-3 (Solutions) (Due 10/28)

Assignment 2-4 (Solutions) (Due 10/29)

Assignment 2-5 (Solutions) (Due 11/1)

Assignment 2-6 (Solutions) (Due 11/4)

Assignment 2-7 (Solutions) (Due 11/7)

Assignment 2-8 (Solutions) (Due 11/8)

Assignment 2-9 (Solutions) (Due 11/12)

Assignment 2-10 (Solutions) (Due 11/14)

Assignment 2-11 (Solutions) (Due 11/15)

Introduce Newton's Three Laws of Motion (10/22)
Sample Questions

Introduce Free Body Diagrams (10/24)
Sample Questions

Free-Body Diagrams Handout (10/24)

Bonus Stuff: (10/24)
UW Tutorial Day 1 (Solutions)
UW Tutorial Day 2 (Solutions)

More with Free-Body Diagrams (10/25)
Sample Questions

Newton's Laws Goodness (Solutions) (10/28)

Friction (10/29)
Warm-Up Question
Sample Questions

Force Your Way Through Lab (10/31; Lab Quiz 11/8)
Notes from Whiteboard 1 (From Last Year)
Notes from Whiteboard 2 (From Last Year)

Uniform and Non-Uniform Circular Motion (11/1 and 11/4)
Sample Questions

Accelerated Frames of Reference (11/4)
Sample Questions

Pre-lab for Whirling Good Time (11/5)

Whirling Good Time Lab (11/5)

Key Mass'ter Lab (11/7; Lab Quiz 11/15)

Free Response Fun (Solutions) (11/12)

Show Me the Goodness! Forces (Solutions) (11/14)

Forces and More Goodness (Solutions) (11/15)


*** Not Updated for 2024-2025 School Year

Unit Reading (with Recommended Completion Dates):

Oct. 22 Sections 5.1 - 5.6
Oct. 28 Sections 5.7, 5.8, and 6.1
Nov. 4 Sections 6.2 and 6.3
Nov. 12 None This Week


Twu Physics:

Playlist for All of Twu's Forces AP Physics 1 Videos

Note 1: Videos Forces 29 - 31 are on topics we will look at during second semester

Note 2: These are made for AP Physics 1, but there isn't a lot of difference between 1 and C on this topic


Dan Fullerton Videos (He's a Physics Teacher):

Newton's First Law of Motion

Free Body Diagrams

Newton's Second Law of Motion

Newton's Third Law of Motion


Ramps and Inclines

Atwood Machines

Retarding and Drag Forces
     This topic is about forces but it won't be
     covered in class until April

Centripetal Force

Vertical Circular Motion


Flipping Physics:

Playlist for All of FP's Forces AP Physics C Videos

AP Physics C: Dynamics (aka Forces) Review


MIT Video Lectures (on YouTube):

Lecture 6:  Newton's First, Second and Third Laws

Lecture 7:  Weight, Perceived Gravity, and Weightlessness

Lecture 8:  Frictional Forces

Lecture 9:  Review of Lectures 1 - 5


HippoCampus Videos:

Newton's First Law

Newton's Second Law

Newton's Third Law

Applications of Newton's Laws


Khan Academy Videos:

Newton's Laws of Motion

Normal Force and Contact Force

Balanced and Unbalanced Forces

Slow Sock on Lubricon VI  (Yikes)

Inclined Planes and Friction





This site was last updated 09/02/24