Linear Momentum

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Unit 4 Calendar - AP-C ***

Assignment 4-1 (Solutions) (Due 1/4) ***

Assignment 4-2 (Solutions) (Due 1/9) ***

Assignment 4-3 (Solutions) (Due 1/11) ***

Assignment 4-4 (Solutions) (Due 1/16) ***

Assignment 4-5 (Solutions) (Due 1/18) ***

Assignment 4-6 (Solutions) (Due 1/22) ***

Assignment 4-7 (Solutions) (Due 1/23) ***

Impulse and Momentum (1/2) ***
Sample Questions

Conservation of Momentum the UW Way Part 1 (Solutions) (1/4) ***

Conservation of Momentum the UW Way Part 2 (Solutions) (1/4 or 1/8) ***

Conservation of Momentum the Appel Way -- Inelastic Collisions (1/4 or 1/5) ***
Sample Questions
Physics Classroom Simulation

Conservation of Momentum the Appel Way -- Elastic Collisions (1/5 or 1/8) ***
Sample Questions
Newton's Cradle Simulation
Physics Classroom Simulation

Conservation of Momentum Goodness (Solutions) (1/9) ***

Pivot with Momentum Lab (1/11; Due 1/12) ***

Pivot Interactives Link (1/11) ***
Use Clever to sign in

Momentum Goodness (Solutions) (1/12) ***

Momentum Free Response Practice (Solutions) (1/18) ***

Center of Mass / Systems of Particles (1/19) ***
Sample Questions

More Momentum Free Response Fun (Solutions) (1/22) ***


*** Not Updated for 2024-2025 School Year

Unit Reading (with Recommended Completion Dates):

Jan. 2 Sections 9.1 - 9.3
Jan. 8 Section 9.4
Jan. 16 Sections 9.5 - 9.7
Jan. 22 Sections 9.8 - 9.9
(Material Not Covered in Class)


Dan Fullerton Videos (He's a Physics Teacher):

Impulse and Momentum

Conservation of Momentum

Collisions in Multiple Dimensions

Center of Mass


MIT Video Lectures (on YouTube):

Lecture 15:  Momentum and its Conservation

Lecture 16:  Elastic and Inelastic Collisions

Lecture 17: Momentum of Individual Objects


HippoCampus Videos:

Impulse and Momentum

Conservation of Momentum, Collisions

Center of Mass


Khan Academy Videos:

Impacts and Linear Momentum




This site was last updated 08/22/24